Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people for your God is my God.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Farm Table


It started with an innocent, “You should make me a table…”  Within a half an hour he has cutting wood and I was looking for glue.  We discussed, he cut and measured.  I readied the babes for bed.  Once they were tucked in he squared boards while I drilled. We puttied holes and by bedtime that night she was standing on her own four legs waiting for a good sanding. 

The next morning she got just that, and we stained away.  The pictures show our lovely amateur result.  Besides the $3.27 I spent on paint brushes, she cost us not a dime.  She will comfortably seat six, but eight can cozy on up to her counter high edges too. That Sunday we made a table and a memory.    10302165_794496263915586_4312961012954943623_n

